FBUSA - Implosion Contractor - Building Implosion.png

Explosive demolition (Implosion). Implosion is the process of destroying an existing building or structure using explosives by collapsing it inward. It’s controlled demolition and it requires a series of carefully calibrated detonations that cut a building’s structural supports in a well-planned process. When designed and performed correctly, implosion can demolish a structure in a matter of seconds, as opposed to months saving the Owner time and money. At FBUSA we are highly trained in performing implosions on many types of structures. Our expertise has lead us to fell the following type of structures:

Our explosive demolition expertise has been recognized on a global level as we have been recognized as the best in the world. Crucial to the success of any implosion are the pre-implosion services (also known as soft-strip) offered by FBUSA. To see our soft services click here.

At Fabio Bruno USA we can fell your structure as needed with pinpoint accuracy. Please contact us today to see how we can meet the needs of you and your project.